The basket holds about 25 lbs of lump with a few splits of hickory and oak mixed in. Takes a good hour or so for the fire to burn clean, but once it did the cooker went close to 7 hours on one basket at 250.
I'm afraid if Jamie Geer sees this post he may drive up to Massachusetts and take my pit away. I saw that he built a pellet hopper add-on for Candy Weavers pit. So I'm thinking my mod can't be as bad as burning pellets in a Jambo pit.
The worlds best charcoal manufacturer operates up in New England - Wicked Good Charcoal - I love the stuff, especially their lump charcoal product. So we built a charcoal basket for the Jambo and plan to give burning some WGC lump a try. I'm hoping to get 4-6 hours of unattended cooking out of a full basket of charcoal. We shall see and I'll report back.
We have been cooking contests this season fitting all of our supplies and gear into the Jambo pit and my Jeep. Its pretty streamlined and works well. I do get jealous of teams with bigger setups, especially if the weather is foul. However, two guys can break down our camp in about 45 minutes and that's the real benefit. The Team next to us this weekend at the Maine State BBQ Championship, Meat at Slims, had a real nice lean and mean setup... here it is: